Welcome to mteSA

Are you an employer looking for that 'second pair of hands'?  Maybe you're a jobseeker looking to gain an Apprenticeship or a Traineeship?

You've come to the right place - we are here to help.

mteSA are the solution to your employment and training hassles.

We are a community-based, not for profit Group Training Organisation that specialise in training and recruitment.  We are committed to the growth and development of skills in South Australia.

  • Established in 1997
  • Placed over 3000+ Apprentices, Trainees and Labour Hire workers since 1997
  • Accredited Commonwealth Government Recognition of Standard


Our aim is to help build confidence, pride, and self-esteem through furthering the education of Apprentices, Trainees and Labour Hire personnel.

This empowerment supports sustainable employment outcomes, creates career paths, enhances life skills, and provides financial security.

mteSA are focused on ensuring that our clients are well-equipped to take their rightful place in the community.

  • Regional award winner

  • Quality group training

  • Registered charity

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